캐시포워드란 무엇인가요?
Cash Forward is a special redemption option that encourages members to explore The Guestbook hotel network. You may redeem Cash Forward towards a future qualifying stay at any of our participating hotels.
1. Cash Forward is an extra incentive to explore our network of hotels in other destinations. It cannot be redeemed at the same hotel that it was earned.
2. Cash Forward must be used on a stay that is at least 30 miles (50 km) away from where it was earned.
3. Your Cash Forward value must cover at least one night's stay, before taxes, in order to be used at the desired hotel. Example, if you have $100 Cash Forward, you would need to find a room rate that is $100 or less to qualify.
4. You must pay the full value of your stay directly to the hotel, as if it were a normal booking. Note that Cash Forward is not a discount or an adjustment off of a reservation or final bill.
5. 귀하의 현금 포워드 환급 금액은 귀하의 숙박이 완료되고 호텔에서 검증된 후 PayPal을 통해 귀하에게 전송됩니다. 이는 일반적으로 귀하의 출발일로부터 7영업일 이내이지만 드물게는 더 오래 걸릴 수 있습니다.